Hi there. Jeremy here.
I’m a designer and problem solver.
(though I think those two are actually two ways of saying the same thing)
A little about me
Hi! I’m currently a product design lead at Flatiron Health, using design to help scientists fight cancer. Before that, I finished up a term at 18F where I was a service designer and acting UX Supervisor for a team of brilliant designers. I’ve gotten the privilege to work with some amazing folks, on some really interesting projects, and have learned a lot from them.
Too many projects to do justice to here, but to mention a few: I led UX design on the Federal Election Commissions relaunch, helped advise the Obama Administration’s Office of Science and Technology Policy along with NASA and NOAA on ways to make government climate change data more accessible and easy to use. I also helped found and grow a guild devoted to helping improve user research practices in government – one of our projects were the design method cards that helped translate and popularize design practices in the federal government.
While I’m not currently looking for a new gig, I’d still be open to chat – especially if you, like me, are interested in exploring how design can help make the world a little bit better.