Reimagining Elections Administration
TurboVote is a non-profit, non-partisan civic start-up attempting to make getting and staying registered to vote as easy as possible. In seeking to develop voter engagement products aimed at local elections administration, they sought to understand the technological systems, institutions and motivations of the humans involved in the day-to-day operations of elections administrations across the United States.
The research project was structured as a six-city investigation of election offices across the United States and included conversations with over 70 elections administrators, elected officials, good governance and party operatives, and, of course, voters. The research was published both as an internal findings report as well as a public version.
As the lead analyst and service designer I helped drive the major phases of the project, from crafting the ethnographic investigation to conducting dozens of interviews and analyzing the back-end technical systems that underpin vote-by-mail, registration and voter engagement processes, to identifying pain points and synthesizing findings and generating actionable product ideas.